ISO 50001

Understanding that energy is one of the resources types, which needs the same level of management, like others expensive resources is the first step to the improvement energy efficiency and reducing energy consumption.

Lafivents Ltd. have a solid experience in energy consumption.

We are providing consultations about  effective energy use and helping our clients get an ISO 50001:2011 certificate. Our certificated ISO 50001:2011 auditors will help you understand how effectively you are using energy and how to create energy management system.

Fundamental things for energy management system is technical aspects, data received from energy audit and complex management of the organization system. ISO 50001:2011 generates requirements for the energy management system, this standard determines what should be done, but don’t tell us how, so methods how to achieve target every company choose separately. Lafivents Ltd. always trying to find the best solution which will be best exactly for your company.