A study has been launched to investigate the effects of ELPO biofilters on air purification and humidification in the real environment

In order to find out the impact of our biofilters on air quality and human well-being, we have launched a study in cooperation with DNB Bank. The research is part of the RSU Vertical Integration project, in which specialists from different programs and levels collaborate, with the help of which we plan to understand the impact of the biofilter in real conditions. On two floors of DNB Bank with a total of 82 employees, we will study how the microclimate and the concentration of various pollutants in the air (such as volatile organic compounds, formaldehyde and acetylaldehyde) change as a result of our technology. To determine the impact on humans, we will perform skin moisture and pH assessment tests, as well as a questionnaire with a variety of related questions such as health, well-being and satisfaction with the work environment. We have already taken the first measurements, according to which we placed 6 biofilters on one floor of the bank. The second floor of the bank will serve as a control. Measurements of air microclimate and pollution will be performed continuously throughout the study period, but questionnaires and skin moisture level tests will be repeated several times during the study. It is intended for 6 months.

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